Superman Returns
It rather hard to believe that comics are actually making such an impact on the silver screen today and just about every comicbook character is making their mark in Hollywood. Since the 1978 release of Superman: The Movie, we have been most fortunate to see Batman, The X-Men, Constantine, DareDevil, Elektra, Flash as well as improved versions of the Hulk, Spiderman and Punisher. Even the less afluent comic titles such as Blade, Darkman and Dick Tracy saw themselves to the silver screen. This year alone we will be visited by Batman and The Fantastic Four. And if you can stomach the rather sick and sinister world of Frank Miller, dip you fingers into Sin City.
Of course, we have most certainly come a long way from the late Christopher Reeves and his infamous red underware. His four Superman movies made such a big impact in the late seventies and early eighties that almost every successful suicide jumpper was tagged "They believed they they could fly after watching Superman". Tabloids rioted against television and cinema influence on the public saying things like "It is not logical that a person can actuall fly like Superman" and "He wore a Superman outfit and jumped from the 22nd floor". So why didn't anybody put on the cowl and cape of Gotham's vigilante protector and say "I see BATS!!"
There was even a point in time when Hollywood avoided comicbook heroes as production cost was high and revenues were not justifiable. Of course Nicholas Hammond floating off the wall did not give credence to the term "Wall Crawler". Nevertheless technology made its impact with the release of X-Men in 2000 and gave Spiderman a second chance in 2002. Even their storylines are being adapted and Sin City made the boldest move by making a comic adaptation. They literally took the comicbooks and used it as the storyboard.
The Man of Steel is BACK!!
Superman is one of the most exploited comicbook character and it is only inevitable that someone is going to revive him sooner or later. Innitial talks in the mid-nineties had Nicholas Cage lined up as the next Man of Steel. I puked, I nearly choked to death when I read the article. Since then for almost a decade fans debated as to which actor would best fit the role. As a kid, I watched episodes of the fifties television production of Superman when the slightly overweight George Reeves in his late thirties played the role. Then Christopher Reeves revived the characher from 1978 through 1987 and it entertained us for a decade. Then in 1993 television series took a turn an made a soap opera of the Man of Steel with Dean Cain and Teri Hatcher in the lead roles of Lois & Clark. It didn't end there. Smallville took over in 2001 showing unrecorded exploits of Clark Kent and Lex Luthor when they were still homeboys and in turn destroying the actual timeline and storyline created by Joe Shuster and Jerry Siegel. Even John Byrne's more human version in the six part comicbook series did not distort Clark Kent's history to such a catastrophical proportion. Last but not least let us not forget the countless animated series that followed all of these.
Next year we look forward to yet another Superman. Scheduled for release on June 30th, Superman Returns introduces Brandon Routh as the new Man of Steel, Kate Bosworth as Lios Lane and Kevin Spacey as his arch nemesis Lex Luthor. Hugh Jackman and James Marden from the X-Men have also been casted for the roles of Jonathan Kent and Richard White respectively. However, they were not the only ones roped in from the X-Men. Writer, director, producer Bryan Singer has also joined the team.
So far not much information has been released about this movie. However, what I did gather is that Superman had been away for several years and Lex Luthor has had the time to wreck havoc. Lois have moved on with her life leaving Clark in the distant memory of the past. The new costume does not have the same provocative red that it used to have. Creating a new image, presumably a more realistic and possibly darker side of Superman. His ever famous insignia is no longer a print on spandex. Of course it too has to follow the times, so it looks like Superman found a way to mould his "S" and used superglue to stick it on his chest. I would say that Brandon Routh has a hugh pair of shoes to fill seeing that this is not Superman's first appearance on the big screen. Also taking the role of Superman means having to live up to a standard and image set by the late Christopher Reeves whom many have accepted as a living version of Superman. Reeves is legendary for his charisma, his personal approach to acting and his resiliance when an accident left him paralyzed for life. Believe me a lot of people will be comparing the both of them.
Nevertheless, with a cast line up like this and Singer leading them, how not to anticipate this revival. I believe that Superman Returns would be a good movie to look forward to in 2006 and I say that Brandon Routh is a far better choice than the semi balding Nicholas Cage.
Live On Cape Crusader.
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